Vegaplan is a national standard for fruit and vegetable growers to ensure that quality continues to be guaranteed for the consumer. Vegaplan enjoys the approval of the FASFC (Federal Agency for the Safety of the Food Chain) and the regional authorities. It is an evolving and flexible system which, thanks to its simplicity and feasibility, can be accessed by a large number of farmers. The growers with the Vegaplan certificate undergo a 3-yearly inspection. To be allowed to supply to the REO Veiling, each grower is obliged to attain the Vegaplan certificate.
Vegaplan covers the following subjects:
- Food safety
- Traceability
- Reporting obligation
- Market access
- Sustainability
- Integrated protection measures (IPM)
At an international level, the Vegaplan Standard is interchangeable with QS (Quality and Safety) in Germany for fruit, vegetables and potatoes destined for the fresh food market. As a result, Vegaplan-certified horticulturists can market their products as ‘QS-approved’ on the German market without any additional audit.